Do you have Olympics fever? Are you drawn to athletes with amazing gifts they share with the world? To watch them overcome obstacles to bring home the gold is a classic storytelling journey. That’s why the Olympics brought in one of the masters of storytelling, award-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg, to introduce the games and talk about the two weeks of stories you were about to witness. If you missed the opening, watch his four-minute monologue here and get inspired.

Have you thought about how your business or your individual journey is like an epic story? What obstacles have you overcome to get where you are? Who helped you along the way, and how do you now share your gifts to help other people get where they need to go?

Creating a narrative for your business or personal brand clarifies your mission and purpose. It helps you resonate with your audience on an emotional level to be relatable and inspirational.

It can help you attract and retain customers, know what to say in networking and ace job interviews.

So, what’s your story?

If you need help finding it, I currently offer three programs:

  • The Marketing Audit (one hour): to see where you are with your messaging for your brand and recommendations for improvement.
  • Marketing Mastery Storytelling Program (Six 1-hour Sessions) to build the story for your brand and implement it into your marketing.
  • The VIP Experience (Two 1-hour Sessions) for personal branding to discover your own story and how to relate it in networking, job interviews and business interactions.

Contact me, and let’s jump on a call to see how it can help you.