There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. From politics to natural disasters, there is a sense of chaos that feels out of control. It doesn’t help that there is a 24/7 stream of sensationalistic headlines and opinions coming at us from every device. So, how are you supposed to stay focused on your business?

Staying true to why you started your business, your goals, and how you want to help people are the most empowering things you can do right now. Along with your health and keeping a calm, clear mind, your business is one way you can feel in control. You and only you are in charge of your destiny. And don’t forget, having money means having choices and freedom, which should be enough motivation to make your business successful.

Here are 3 ways to stay focused on your business during uncertain times:

Limit social media and news-watching

The web and social media can be a time suck and can also impact our mental health, from feeling fear of missing out to impending doom. Limit how much you consume of news and people’s opinions. We all need to stay informed on what’s happening in the world, but we don’t need to know every minute. Set aside 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening to check reputable news sources, check in on friends and family, and that’s it.

Even if you don’t have kids, you can set up “parental control” limits on your phone, such as turning off notifications, unfollowing people and sites that disturb you, and setting screen time limits.

If you feel compelled to scroll at other times, bookmark sites that bring you joy, such as interests and hobbies. For me, it’s interior design, fashion, personal finance, music, art lessons and local events. I’ve even started following some good news sites!

Use Focus Keepers

It’s so easy to get distracted by things that catch your eye throughout the day. Thankfully, there are focus keepers to help you stay on task. Try the Pomodoro Technique of setting a timer to dedicate uninterrupted time for each task or web-blocking apps to keep you from falling down the rabbit hole of searching every little thought that comes to mind.

Remember, when you take breaks from work, keep the previous tip in place. Don’t look at social media or news. Go outside and take some deep breaths or a walk, have a snack, do some stretches, or play with your pet. You’ll come back with a clear mind, not a headful of other thoughts.

Make a To-Do List

Take a few minutes at the start of each day or the night before to make to-do lists. This is when you can review your business goals, such as updating your website, improving operations and efficiency, catching up on bookkeeping, and looking for networking or learning workshops to attend. As you complete each task, put a big red checkmark next to it. By the end of the day, you’ll feel proud to see all that you accomplished.

Need help with your marketing goals, such as keeping your company blog consistent with new articles, sending a regular newsletter or finally putting your customer success stories into case studies? Add sending me an email to your to-do list, and let’s get focused together and start checking off those accomplishments!