I’ll admit it, I’m a total geek for fall. You’ll find me with a pumpkin latte in my hand and headed out to every fall festival on the calendar, dressed in my fall colors. Yep, that’s me pictured here in the golden Aspen trees of the San Juan Mountains. But I’m not the only one. Fall fever is real and seems to get bigger (and earlier) every year with people merrily shopping for anything that hints of pumpkin spice. Learn three fall marketing strategies to take advantage of this autumn frenzy and the holidays approaching.

Kastle in the fall colors of ColoradoThree Fall Marketing Strategies To Strike While It’s Hot 🍂

Seasonal Content is King

Create content that resonates with the fall vibe.  Use fall imagery, colors and themes to capture your audience’s attention. People are looking to celebrate by attending festivals, decorating their homes and updating their fall wardrobes. If pumpkin-spiced shoppers are your target audience, be ready for them!

Leverage Holiday Buzz

There’s lots of opportunity with the festive days of Halloween and Thanksgiving, plus promotional days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday around the corner. Plan early to offer special discounts, limited-time offers or themed giveaways that can boost engagement and sales.

Host a Fall-Themed Event

Events are a great way to connect with your audience, whether virtual or in-person. Consider a fall-themed webinar, workshop or social media live event. It’s all about bringing your community together with a seasonal twist.

Take advantage of the fall season as a refresh on your marketing strategy with a cornucopia of opportunities (see what I did there!) to tap into merry holiday and seasonal shoppers. Then, by the year’s end, you’ll be toasting to a job well done!

Need help with writing your seasonal content, creating a holiday marketing strategy or a consultation session? Contact me!