How To Say What Customers Want to Hear

If you’ve ever watched a movie or read a book, you usually come across a character that sets out on a journey because they have a problem to solve. Something has happened, and they need help fixing it.  In the story of your business, that main character is your customer, and they’re looking at you, Obi-Wan, to help them.

So what can you say that your customer wants to hear in this situation?

Customers Want To Know You Can Solve Their Problem

A customer is someone on a journey to find something they need, whether it’s a tool to fix something, a little pick-me-up to bring them joy or a series of coaching sessions to learn how to deal with a life or business challenge. Customers don’t want you to come at them with a list of features of your product; that feels like a hard sales pitch. They want to know the solution you provide and how their life will be better after using your product.

Customers Want to Know How You Specifically Help Them

In these days of product reviews, a customer knows how to do research online. They want to know your story, background, training and credentials that make you qualified to help them. And they want proof, “social proof,” as they call it. That comes in the form of testimonials on your website that you have solved this problem for others before.

Customers Want to Know The Transformation

How are you going to give a customer a before and after? What’s the transformation you give to people? Have you ever watched a show on HGTV where the interior designer redoes a house? They show the house before, usually cramped, with peeling paint and ugly carpet. Then they show the after – a dazzling display of stylish furniture, fresh paint, new floors and walls opened to bigger rooms. The homeowners can’t wait to get in there and experience it. Then, they close the show by having a party in their redesigned home and ready to live happily ever after.  That’s how you offer a transformation.

Customers Want a Relationship with a Human

When addressing a customer, whether in person or through your website and other marketing channels, be sure to talk to them like a human being. That means be careful when using Artificial Intelligence. People are beginning to notice that everyone sounds the same, as AI offers the same content to everyone.

Don’t be a robot. One way to do this is by having personal stories about how your product/solution solved a problem for someone else, how it was easy to work with, and giving that before and after experience. AI can’t do that for you. This is information only you and your business have and what will make you stand out from the crowd.

Customers Want a Return on Investment (ROI)

Money is tight for most people. They want to know the value they will get from your product or service before they hand over their hard-earned cash. You may have heard the expression, “What’s in it for me?” You need to provide that. Show what their life will look and feel like from using your product/service.

Knowing how to talk to your customers, humanize your business and tell your story will attract and engage customers and build relationships.

Let’s Talk

If you’re not sure how to do this, contact me to schedule a one-hour breakout session. We’ll conduct a marketing audit to examine your approach to marketing, how you’re speaking to customers and what can be improved—all for only $97.